Thursday, May 31, 2012

Makeover: Animal prints out of control

The pictures are finally in!  I thought there would be a head shot of each dancer, but the photographer was covering the entire event so I only have bits and pieces here and there.  I had an hour to do the animal prints on 4 boys and quickly apply some lashes on the girl.  I suppose it was a bit more like face painting but it was so much fun!

Here are some pictures from my camera:

And here's the video of the performance once again if you haven't seen it:

Hope you guys enjoyed this!


  1. Someone's waxing! ;) I love the makeup! All of the animal prints are awesome! :D

  2. This looks like it was a ton of fun!

  3. Haha, how awesome :D Everyone looked like they had an awesome time! I just saw your comment on my blog about shoots - it went into my spam folder for no apparent reason?! Anyway... ping me an email or tweet if you wanna chat shoots :)
